The Blissful Soul Podcast

Ep.30 | Nourish Your Soul With Nature

Stephanie Weber Episode 30

Have you ever noticed how much better you feel after spending time outside in nature? Well, there’s actually a lot of science behind that! Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in a forest, or just sitting by the ocean or a body of water - studies have shown that spending time outside in nature can reduce your stress levels, improve your mood, boost creativity, and help you to be more mindful and present in your everyday life!

In today's episode, we'll explore why incorporating nature into your self-care routine is so essential for your overall mental and physical health. Plus, I'll share several simple ways that you can begin to integrate nature into your self-care routine.

In the episode, I chat about:

  • Why nature has become such an important part of my self-care routine 
  • The science behind why nature is so healing 
  • How to connect with nature - even if you are landlocked or live in an urban environment 
  • My top tips for integrating nature into your daily self-care routine!


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